Drain cleaning professional plumbers can clean out all kinds of plumbing situations, including tree root infiltrations, blockages caused by soil, or backed up sewer pipes. If your toilet or drain backs up, this is a common occurrence that plumbers just deal with. Most plumbers come and unclog your drains, along with their sewer lines. Then, you call in a problem, and they just release that blocked drain. This isn't drain cleaning, but instead drain unclogging. When the unclogger breaks free of the clogged pipes, free water flow is once again restored to your plumbing; however, the clog remains in your plumbing system. When your plumbing system becomes clogged, it gets more difficult for the pipe to work with water. In fact, if the pipes are backed up or clogged, it can actually make it so difficult for the water to make it down the drain or out of the house. In addition to clogs, there are other reasons why plumbing systems could become blocked. Grease deposits, built-up grease, tr...