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Which Drain Cleaning Method is Right For You?

 When it comes to drain cleaning, you'll have a few options. Chemical drain cleaners, Snakes, and Hydro-jetters are all options. Which should you choose? Read on for some tips and tricks to help you make the decision. Depending on your needs, you may prefer one of these solutions over the others. However, you must always read the label and follow any precautions to ensure that your pipes stay clean. Read on for some of the best options available for drain cleaning.

Chemical drain cleaners

The use of chemical drain cleaners has many disadvantages. First of all, they release hazardous chemicals into the air and can damage pipes. Second, chemical drain cleaners pose health hazards to humans, especially if they get into the eyes and skin. Plus, these chemicals can have adverse effects on older metal and PVC pipes. So, if you're looking for a safe way to clean your drains, you may want to use natural drain cleaners.

In addition to being toxic, chemical drain cleaners may damage pipes, septic systems, and even your skin. The chemical reaction when you use a chemical drain cleaner can generate heat. If you're not careful, the heat produced by a chemical drain cleaner can damage pipes made of PVC or other materials. Metal pipes, meanwhile, can be damaged when under too much pressure. The heat from a chemical drain cleaner may also mar bathroom fixtures.

Some of the available chemical drain cleaners effectively break down clogs. They dissolve grease, hair, and other organic matter accumulated in a drain. Some drain cleaners contain lye or nitrates, which break down these materials. Sodium hydroxide dissolves grease and hair and allows the clog to dissolve in the drain. A few other types of drain cleaners also contain sulfur.


Before using a snake to clean your drain, you should remove the trap arm from the drainpipe. You should then check the drainpipe for any obstructions. Once you have cleared the obstacles, insert the auger head and snake into the drain. Afterward, run cold water while the snake works. This should free the pipe of debris. Snakes are valuable tools to use in drain cleaning, but they may not be as effective as other tools.

When choosing a drain snake, select one with a coil head, as these are most effective for removing common household clogs. Snakes with toothed heads work well for retrieving toys, balled-up hair, and other objects from pipes. Coil heads also work well to remove clogs deeper than the snake's tip. In addition to coil heads, you may also choose a drain snake with LED lights, a crank handle, or a replacement head for recurring problems.

Another type of drain snake is called a "heavy-duty" snake. These snakes are more durable than standard snakes and are designed to clear the toughest clogs. Heavy-duty drain snakes should have cables no smaller than 5/8 inches and at least 75 or 100 feet long. They are also designed for use on three inches in diameter and longer drains. If you want to use a snake for larger pipes, you should choose a heavy-duty snake. But if you want to ensure which drain cleaning is good for you, it's best to hire a trusted drain cleaning Belmont, NC


A hydro-jetter is an efficient way to clear out clogged pipes in your home. These devices use high-pressure water blasted through a directional spout at the end of a long hose. As the plumber pushes the hose down the drain, the high-pressure water blasts away the buildup and debris. Although hydro-jetting has been around for more than eight decades, it is still relatively expensive and requires several plumbers to perform the job. However, if you have a small business or a home, hydro-jetting can handle all your drain cleaning needs in one convenient and affordable manner.

A typical hydro-jet model has a jet that can release water at a pressure of 1,500 to 4,000 pounds per minute. Larger systems are capable of producing up to 35,000 pounds of pressure. Hydro-jet nozzles are available in two-, four-, and six-inch diameters. Professional plumbers will never recommend a hydro-jet drain cleaning without performing a video inspection to assess the pipes' condition. This procedure is much safer than other methods of cleaning drains.

If you are looking for someone to of drain cleaning in Belmont, you've come to the right place. There are many reasons to hire a professional service to clean clogged pipes, and drain cleaning can be one. After all, a clogged drain can cause a whole host of unpleasant problems, from nasty odors to dangerous bacteria and mold. Drain cleaning in Belmont is the most convenient way to resolve these issues.


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